the only easy day was yesterday

Friday, August 31, 2007

but why male models?

i've been listening to bbc a lot, and sort of getting my bearings a little bit, so politics will play a bigger part now...

congratulations america! you've been outsmarted by the president who you all seem to have been under the impression that you were smarter and more capable than. on the whole stock market mortage system, he ripped you idiots a new asshole with something to the effect of: STOP SPENDING MORE FUCKING MONEY THAN YOU HAVE.

"It's not the government's job to bail out speculators or those who made the decision to buy a home they knew they could never afford"

thats what he actually said, but you know what he meant. everyone in this country is so outrageously involved in becoming as far away from an actual human being as they can that they will go beyond their unhuman means to obtain other unhuman things, among these things is extravagent houses. i need a roof, a place to shit, and a place to sleep, and so does everyone else, and now thanks to all of the idiots of our country not only can many people not afford the NEEDS of human life, but the whole economy is going haywire because of their irresponsibility.

well done, you morons.


The W said...

Yeah, this whole thing is kinda ridiculous. I follow the news, but when it comes to economics I'm in the dark even when i read the stories. Despite this, i have been hearing for the last couple of years that despite the ridiculous increases in the price of gas people are driving the same if not more than they were when it was cheaper. I'm by no means an economist, but i feel that a lot of this has to do with buying things using means other than cash. Whether credit or debit...I read a study once that said that people are more likely to spend more money when they are employing non-cash means.

The unrelenting spending of Americans seems to defy logic, and i cant begin to understand how the economy continues to function when such a backwards practice is in place.

Jasper Yate said...

its gotta be because the rich are actually using their own money and just getting more for it. it would seem that there would be a huge gap between rich and poor in this country, but i dont see it, and that probably mostly because its not mentioned all that much. maybe there is, there seem to be a lot of billionaires some millionaires and then a middle class, maybe we just dont have the means yet for the billionaires economic supperiority to us to take effect: maybe its because there isnt things like there used to be when these issues in history used to be more prominant. slavery and serfdom is not longer an option to hold power over people. maybe this is a way in which capitalism isnt all that bad, not to dsay that other things cant be better, but the ability to move in class and such makes it so that this gap doesnt have too much of an effect. or maybe big economic shits like this are caused by the gap. i really dont have much of an idea. i tried to read about hedge funds before, i barely got any of it...

The W said...

Supposedly the gap between the poor and rich in this country is getting bigger, and the middle class is shrinking. This being an effect of the economic policies of our right wing conservative government. There arent as many billionaires as you think. According to Forbes there is 313 billionaires in the US. As of 2004 there were 7,500,000 millionaires. The millionaires hold $11 trillion in assets and the billionaires total $1 trillion in assets.

Class mobility is rather difficult. One can move from upper middle class to rich motherfucker, and from lower middle class to middle middle class. But in the whole, the poor stay poor, and unless they pull an MC Hammer, the rich stay rich. The poor are at a disadvantage in the fields of education which makes it extrmely hard to move up. The exodus of manufacturing jobs in this contry make it difficult as well for one to gain steady employment with benefits. Employment that does not require an extensive (thus unavailible) education.

My Uncle is a hedgefund dude. I think he tried explaining it to me a while back and i didnt really get it. When i get a chance, ill ask him about it again.

Jasper Yate said...

i actually woulda thought there were a lot less billionaires in the u.s, i thought there were like no more than 10 or 15, shows how much i know...