the only easy day was yesterday

Sunday, August 26, 2007

From Today's Paper


Jasper Yate said...

man, you gotta love the unsure bulldog in the back...

yea, i guess from a dogs perspective it's funny. im still not quite sure if i agree with it or not...

i think it brings up an important question with this issue that isn't a big enough topic of discussion. many semi-moral people are aware of the basic moral tenet that every life is worth only one life in turn, but somehow this gets lost in translation to other forms of life. this might be more apparent to me because in my biological anthropology class were stressing evolution at the moment, but; in essence, if someone believes that evolution happened, as most people do (and im not talking about the dog fighters here, but more the prosecutors and radio personalities, etc) then they cannot possibly hold the value of human life above that of another life form - yes, we may be at the top of the food chain which apprently gives us the right to slaughter as many animals as we like for our culinary enjoyment, but that doesn't give us the right to abuse our power and pretend we're the guardians and we're made of gold and everthing else is made of something lesser. this man was accused - and i dont have much doubt about whether he did because of the pleas of his buddies - of killing three dogs brutaly (they say this in a way that suggests if he euthenized them for bad performance it would've been a-okay) and fighting hundreds of others; breeding them for this purpose nonetheless (a good parrallel to the food thing); if this was humans he'd be charged with hundreds of murders and certainly put to death.

im not saying that capitol punishment is the right thing, i am simply challenging americas consistency as a people and as a government. if there is not a parrallel between the value of a human life and the life of an animal, where is the separation?

Jasper Yate said...

wont have phone til tuesday