the only easy day was yesterday

Monday, July 16, 2007

I found that the men most in repute were all but the most foolish.

Ta da! Everyone's favorite Mr. Fuzzy-Towels himself applied for the rights to own the Chicago Cubs, and despite nothing but praise from his Mavericks and positive analysis from ESPN experts, is very unlikely to get the job. The problem is the traditionally dogmatic ownership and administration of Major League Baseball. Cuban is known to be a mover-and-a-shaker in basketball and would inevitably continue his behavior as an owner in MLB, which seems to be very much of a deterrent for the other owners in the league, who's approval he will need to actually purchase the team. I'm not here to argue the validity of Cuban's offer to become an owner - I don't think many people can really argue against it, especially for the cubs - I have a problem with the idea that a man like Cuban might not be accepted. The initial idea that this puts across to people is that a real person, a man who wants to change things and has ideas of his own and the money to back it, cannot become a leader of something because of his nature as a boat-rocker. Apart from adding to the far too universal idea of not being to 'change the world', I think that the rejection of cuban is the rejection of a platonic idea that has never been put to use, and now that such micro polis' as sports franchises exist, it is a perfect time and place to test such an idea. Not verbatim, Plato postulates that, among other things, a sound polis has as a key component a Philosopher Ruler. Cuban, as translated into modern times and sports franchise terminology, is the philosopher ruler who may not be allowed to rise. Cuban is the closest to this as I can find in sports, he is, as I said, a very free thinking and progressive individual - he has seen all sides of wealth and poverty, seen a losing franchise and turned it into the best team in the league in just a few years, he is in sports terms, enlightened. I know it's a somewhat lofty claim, but I like the parrallel. And it's easy to admit the negative impact on the minds of our people having a person like Cuban be denied a chance to change a franchise.

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